What We Offer

What We Offer Hero Image

We do better by our people.

We’re committed to giving all our employees a safe, collaborative, positive and respectful work environment where everyone feels included and rewarded.

Work-Life Balance

Life's about balance. It's also about purpose. Come and create a career that supports your lifestyle but helps you achieve things that make a difference. 

Flexi Leave

Designed to provide you with an opportunity to take time out to help balance your work and personal life and may be used for a range of purposes from celebrating a birthday or special occasion to moving house or attending a family member's sporting event.

Cultural Leave

We recognise and value the diversity in our people and acknowledge the importance of cultural practices and the ability to participate in cultural celebrations outside the workplace. Cultural leave is a day to take part in activities associated with your culture or ethnicity or for religious, ceremonial or cultural purposes.

Parental Leave

Whatever your gender and whichever type of parent or carer you are (or want to be), our policy flexes to support your choices.

There are a range of leave options to help you to adjust to being a new parent or to welcome further children, and to help you thrive with your family and in your work.

We provide up to 18 weeks of fully paid parental leave to be taken within the first 24 months of your child's birth or adoption, with no qualifying period. Leave can be taken by all new parents, regardless of gender.

We know it takes a village to raise a family so also offer one week of grandparent leave and six weeks' leave for surrogates (gestational carriers). 

Sometimes things don't go to plan, and we provide leave to support you and your family during this time as well. That includes for IVF and pregnancy-related illness or loss.

Volunteer Leave

We encourage team members to become involved in their communities. You can participate in volunteering activities with one of our partner organisations, or a self-organised volunteering activity.

Purchased Leave

Available to all permanent employees, purchased leave provides you with more flexibility to balance your work and personal life. You can salary package up to an additional four weeks' annual leave.

How We Support You

Learning and Development

The Lottery Corporation is a place where you can drive your own development and career. Whether you’re looking to lead a team, become and expert in your field or just find the role that’s the perfect fit, we want you to grow and succeed with us.

Our learning and development program encourages employees to learn continuously throughout their time with us. That means access to industry-leading programs, courses tools, innovation, technologies and communities. Plus access to 'The All Grow Academy’, our online learning experience platform.

To help you undertake formal study relevant to your current or future role, team members can also access study assistance. In addition, permanent employees are entitled to five days of paid study leave per year.

When you need a bit of support

Your wellbeing matters. Our employee assistance program is a free and confidential personal and professional development resource offering a range of services, such as counselling or you and your immediate family members. 

Wellbeing Gateway

Our people can access a Wellbeing Gateway to great health and wellbeing content. 

There are hundreds of articles, toolkits, masterclasses and videos on fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, parenting, money matters, sleep, resilience and much more. 

Flexible Work Options

Some people love the 9-to-5. But we know there are times and places that work better for others. We’re always open to talking about how we can offer you more flexible work options to make sure you’re happier at work than ever.

Gender Affirmation Support

We’re committed to our safe and inclusive workplace, where everyone can be their authentic self. Our Gender Affirmation Statement of Support gives team members affirming their gender real support through leave inclusions, flexibility in working arrangements and financial assistance.

Domestic and Family Violence Support

Our workplace doesn’t tolerate sexism or harassment. We also strongly stand united against abuse and violence against all people.

Our Domestic and Family Violence Policy offers options like unrestricted paid leave, safety plans, flexible working options (including different locations), emergency relocation, financial help, counselling and more.

Extra Benefits

Matched Fundraising

We’ll dollar match the fundraising efforts of our employees lending their support to registered charities. 

Corporate Discounts

Who doesn’t love a discount? We partner with a range of organisations to bring exciting discounts and special offers exclusively to our team members.

Home Office Reimbursement

Permanent and fixed-term employees can get a one-off home office payment to help set up a remote workspace.

Our Brands

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